Skins Spillway Plunge Pool Repair Project
We just finished up work at the Skins Spillway plunge pool repair project at Ootsa Lake, BC. After preparing the slope with meticulous...

Vancouver Post Office Building Seismic Upgrade
You may have heard that the city block sized VPO Building will be getting a lot of attention over the next few years. A massive...

UBC - Almost Done!
A few more shots of some shotcrete columns at UBC. We're finishing up the entry plaza soon!

March 2018 at UBC
Interior progress is moving along on the UBC Life Science Building Seismic Upgrade. We're going to be moving on to exterior work on the...

Shear Perfection
Check out this awesome before and after of our work on the new shear walls at the west side of the UBC Life Sciences building - part of...

Seismic Beams Complete
We've been moving forward pretty steadily at UBC. Here are some shots of a seismic beam constructed across the Life Sciences building...